New Scottish co-ordination centre to tackle cyber threats

Scotland’s ability to prevent and respond to a growing cyber threat will soon be increased with the creation of a new Scottish Cyber Co-ordinations Centre (SC3).

This £1.5 million centre will pool expertise to: share intelligence; provide early warning of cyber threat and attacks; manage incidents and lead recovery. It is a part of the Scottish Government’s Covid Recovery Strategy as they are committed to establishing a recognised, authoritative and collaborative function to combat the accelerating threat of cyber attacks.

“At times of heightened international tension, it is more important than ever to ensure that Scotland is ready to defend itself against cyber attacks […] Establishing a new dedicated cyber co-ordination centre is a bold and ambitious development for Scotland. By providing a central coordination function that pools expertise from across a number of existing or developing Centres of Excellence, we can maximise our ability to work together to address cyber threats and attacks – whether that is sharing intelligence, providing early warnings, managing incidents or leading recovery.”

John Swinney, Deputy First Minister

Read the full report here.

PSTI bill introduced to parliament for second reading

The Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Bill has its second reading today, 26 January 2022. The bill would make provisions about the security of internet-connectable products and products capable of connecting to such products; to make provision about electronic communications infrastructure; and for connected purposes.

The Bill would:

This briefing explains the background and main provisions of the Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Bill 2021-22.

Read it in full here.